Contact Number - 01787 370300
Contact Number - 01787 370300
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Radiofrequency Contra-Indications

We would kindly ask you to read though the following Conta-Indications before you consider booking youself in for a consultation for a Radiofrequency Treatment to aviod any disappointment.

1. Metal pins/plates/prosthesis/cosmetic implants

2. Dermatitus/eczema/psoariasis

3. Coldsore/slin infection/fungal infection

4. Irregular periods/PMT

5. Immune system/HIV/hepatitus/auto immune/lupus

6. Severe circulatory problems/DVT

7. Severe liver or kidney disease/disorder/transplants

8. Tattoos

9.Semi-permanent make-up

10. Epilepsy

11. Smoker 

12. Diabetes Type 1/Type 2

13. Cancer

14. Medical Odema (swelling to area)

15.Contraceptive Coil

16. Pregnancy/breast feeding or trying for a baby

17. Heart pace maker

18. Botox/filler

19. Keloid Scarring

20. Medications